Grant Opportunity: A new chance for Latvian organizations!


Grant Opportunity: A new chance for Latvian organizations!

WeWorld has now re-launched a Call for Proposals for Civil Society Organizations from Latvia – due to a lack of Latvian project proposals submitted before the deadline in the previous tender phase.

As a CSO from Latvia, you can receive financial support to implement your own creative campaign and activities at national level in order to support the cause of #ClimateOfChange.

To apply and receive the application pack, please write an email to: [email protected]

You can also download here the Call for Proposals with further information on goals and requirements.

The Call was re-published: 6th May 2022

The new deadline to submit your proposal: 12th May 2022

Budget: 50.000 Euros per organization

#ClimateOfChange project is funded by the European Union within the framework of the DEAR Programme (Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme).

As CSO you will have to define and implement a campaign at national level aimed at increasing young people’s awareness and their activism on the interconnections between climate change, migration, our economic system and lifestyle.

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