Climate of Change: The submissions for the production of a social media experiment video are now open


Climate of Change: The submissions for the production of a social media experiment video are now open

Within the framework of the European project “End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change” – in short #ClimateOfChange (CoC), ActionAid Hellas is inviting interested parties to submit a proposal for the production of a social media experiment video. The video will be part of the climate of change campaign, it will have online use, with the purpose to tell the story of climate justice and to engage and motivate young people around Europe, to take action.

The video must be able to grab the eye in the first few seconds, inspire, educate and keep viewers invested emotionally with a clear and simple Call-to-Action.

The request is to have:

  • 1 video of maximum 4 minutes following the methodology of social experiment that will be uploaded at YouTube and other social media channels.
  • Shorter clips of the video to be used for advertising purposes and other social media channels.

All the project materials will be provided in English and will be adjusted to the 11 languages of the countries participating in the project. The spots need to be submitted in several formats: website, Facebook, Τwitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok and in open editable format.

Applicants should submit a proposal to [email protected] no later than 00:00 (CET), 30 October 2021.

For additional information about the submissions please visit the technical description, the Annex 1 Factsheet for further information about the project and the visibility guidelines for the visual identity of the project.

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